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Pike Road Pinot Noir 2022 750ML

Product price




Delight your taste buds with Pike Road Pinot Noir 2022 750ML, a premium wine from the renowned wine region. This exquisite Pinot Noir boasts a complex flavor profile with hints of cherry, blackberry, and subtle earthy notes, making it a perfect choice for wine enthusiasts.

Pair this exceptional wine with grilled salmon, mushroom risotto, or roasted duck for a gastronomic experience like no other. The Pike Road Pinot Noir 2022 750ML is versatile enough to complement a variety of dishes, making it a must-have for your next dinner party or intimate gathering.

Product Details

VarietalPinot Noir
Size750 ml
  • Holloran Willamette Pinot Noir 750ML

    Holloran Willamette Pinot Noir 750ML

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    This wine pairs wonderfully with a variety of dishes, including roasted chicken, grilled salmon, mushroom risotto, and goat cheese. Its versatile flavor profile complements a range of cuisines, making it a great choice for your next meal or gathering.


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    This elegant Pinot Noir pairs perfectly with grilled salmon, roasted duck, or mushroom risotto. Its versatile nature also makes it a great choice to enjoy on its own or with a variety of cheeses. Elevate your dining experience with a bottle of Kings Ridge Pinot Noir!


  • Holloran Stafford Hill 750ML

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    This versatile wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes such as grilled salmon, roasted duck, or a creamy mushroom risotto. Enjoy a glass of Holloran Stafford Hill 2020 with your favorite cheese platter for a delightful culinary experience.


  • Elk Cove Pinot Noir 750ML

    Elk Cove Pinot Noir 750ML

    Elk Cove Pinot Noir 750ML is a delightful wine from the renowned region of Willamette Valley. With notes of cherry, raspberry, and earthy undertones, this Pinot Noir offers a balanced and elegant flavor profile.

    This wine pairs perfectly with roasted duck, grilled salmon, or mushroom risotto. Its versatile nature also makes it a great match with a variety of cheeses and charcuterie boards. Elevate your dining experience with Elk Cove Pinot Noir .
