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Marques Atrio Rioja Reserve 750ML

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Marques Atrio Rioja Reserve is a 750ML bottle of red wine from the Rioja region of Spain. This wine offers a balanced and complex flavor profile with notes of dark fruit, oak, and spice, making it a perfect choice for those who appreciate bold and rich wines.

This Rioja Reserve pairs exceptionally well with grilled meats such as steak or lamb, as well as with hearty dishes like paella or roasted vegetables. It also complements aged cheeses such as Manchego or Gouda, making it a versatile option for a variety of meals and occasions.

Product Details

Size750 ml
  • Bodegas Lan Rioja Gran Reserva 2016 750ML

    Bodegas Lan Rioja Gran Reserva 2016 750ML

    Bodegas Lan Rioja Gran Reserva 2016 is a rich and complex wine from the renowned Rioja region in Spain. This wine features flavors of dark fruits, spice, and oak, with a smooth and elegant finish.

    This wine pairs well with grilled meats, aged cheeses, and hearty dishes such as roasted lamb or beef stew. It is the perfect choice for special occasions or as a gift for the wine enthusiast in your life.


  • Agnus Rioja Cosecha Tempranillo 2019 750ML

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    Indulge in the rich flavors of Agnus Rioja Cosecha Tempranillo 2019, a red wine hailing from the renowned Rioja region in Spain. This Tempranillo boasts notes of dark fruit, spice, and subtle oak, creating a well-balanced and smooth taste profile.

    Pair this exquisite wine with Spanish tapas, grilled meats, or aged cheeses to enhance its flavors and create a delightful dining experience. Whether enjoying a cozy night in or hosting a dinner party, Agnus Rioja Cosecha Tempranillo 2019 is the perfect choice for any occasion.


  • Matarromera Ribera del Duero Crianza 2020 750ML

    Matarromera Ribera del Duero Crianza 2020 750ML

    Enjoy the rich and full-bodied flavors of Matarromera Ribera del Duero Crianza 2020 750ML. This red wine hails from the renowned Ribera del Duero region in Spain, known for producing high-quality wines with deep fruit flavors and elegant tannins.

    This wine pairs beautifully with grilled meats, hearty stews, and aged cheeses. For optimal enjoyment, decant the wine before serving and let it breathe for at least 30 minutes to fully open up its complex flavors. Serve at a temperature of around 16-18°C to experience the full depth of this exquisite Crianza.


  • Vina Real Crianza 2014 750ML

    Vina Real Crianza 2014 750ML

    Enjoy the rich flavors of Vina Real Crianza 2014 750ML wine, a delightful red wine hailing from the famous wine region of Rioja, Spain. This wine boasts notes of ripe berries, vanilla, and subtle oak, with a smooth finish that pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes.

    This versatile wine is ideal for pairing with grilled meats, hearty stews, aged cheeses, and charcuterie boards. Enhance your dining experience by serving Vina Real Crianza with lamb chops, paella, or a classic Spanish tapas spread.


  • Bodegas Lan Rioja Crianza 2019 750ML

    Bodegas Lan Rioja Crianza 2019 750ML

    Bodegas Lan Rioja Crianza 2019 is a classic Spanish wine from the renowned region of Rioja. This Crianza offers a balanced flavor profile with notes of red berries, vanilla, and spice, complemented by a smooth finish.

    This versatile wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including roasted lamb, grilled vegetables, Spanish tapas, and aged cheeses. Its medium body and elegant tannins make it an excellent choice for casual gatherings or special occasions.


  • Rivallana Rioja Crianza 2017 750ML

    Rivallana Rioja Crianza 2017 750ML

    Rivallana Rioja Crianza 2017 is a delightful wine originating from the Rioja region in Spain. This Crianza showcases a balance of fruity and oaky flavors, with hints of cherry, vanilla, and spice, making it a versatile choice for wine enthusiasts.

    This wine pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes including roasted lamb, grilled vegetables, and aged cheeses. Its medium body and smooth finish also make it a great companion to pasta dishes and charcuterie boards. Enjoy a glass of Rivallana Rioja Crianza 2017 with your favorite Spanish tapas or hearty meals for a truly delightful dining experience.


  • Cune Rioja Crianza 2020 750ML

    Cune Rioja Crianza 2020 750ML

    Enjoy the classic taste of Cune Rioja Crianza 2020 750ML, a fine wine from the renowned Rioja region. This Crianza offers a balanced blend of fruitiness and oak, with notes of red berries, vanilla, and spices.

    Pair this delicious wine with grilled meats, tapas, aged cheeses, and hearty dishes like paella or roasted lamb. Its versatile flavor profile makes it a perfect complement to a variety of dishes.


  • Frontaura Dominio de Valdelacas 2010 750ML

    Frontaura Dominio de Valdelacas 2010 750ML

    Frontaura Dominio de Valdelacas 2010 750ML is a high-quality wine from Spain. This red wine offers a rich and complex flavor profile with notes of dark fruits, vanilla, and spice, characteristic of the region.

    This wine pairs perfectly with grilled meats, aged cheeses, and hearty pasta dishes. It is ideal for special occasions or for enhancing everyday meals with its bold and elegant taste.


  • Carlos Moro Oinoz Crianza 2015 750ML

    Carlos Moro Oinoz Crianza 2015 750ML

    Carlos Moro Oinoz Crianza 2015 is a delightful red wine from the renowned Rioja region of Spain. This wine offers a harmonious blend of flavors including ripe berries, oak, and a hint of spice, with a smooth and velvety finish.

    This wine pairs beautifully with a variety of dishes such as grilled lamb chops, roasted vegetables, aged cheeses, and charcuterie platters. It is the perfect choice for enhancing a cozy dinner or a special celebration.
