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Metaxa Ouzo 750ML

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Metaxa Ouzo 750ML is a traditional Greek spirit known for its unique anise flavor profile. Made from a blend of aromatic herbs and grape spirits, this ouzo originates from Greece, where it is commonly enjoyed as an aperitif or digestif.

To experience the full flavor of Metaxa Ouzo 750ML, it is best served chilled or over ice. This spirit can also be mixed with water to bring out its complex taste. Enjoy alongside a Greek meal or as a refreshing drink on a warm day.

Product Details

Size750 ml
  • Angels Envy Triple Oak Bourbon Whiskey 750 ml

    Angels Envy Triple Oak Bourbon Whiskey 750 ml

    Angel's Envy Triple Oak Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750 ml is a premium spirit crafted in Kentucky. This bourbon offers a rich and complex flavor profile with hints of vanilla, caramel, and oak, resulting in a smooth and balanced taste.

    To fully appreciate the nuances of Angel's Envy Triple Oak Bourbon, it is best enjoyed neat or with a splash of water to open up the flavors. This whiskey also makes a great base for classic cocktails like Old Fashioned or Manhattan.



  • Rattlesnake Rosies Pumpkin Pie 750ML

    Rattlesnake Rosies Pumpkin Pie 750ML

    Introducing Rattlesnake Rosies Pumpkin Pie 750ML, a delicious spirits offering with a unique flavor profile of pumpkin pie. This delightful beverage is crafted with care in a renowned distillery in the heart of the Midwest.

    For the best experience, we recommend enjoying Rattlesnake Rosies Pumpkin Pie neat as a festive dessert drink, or incorporating it into a seasonal cocktail for a flavorful twist. Serve chilled or over ice to enhance the rich flavors of this exceptional spirit.


  • Pernod 68 Absinth 750ML

    Pernod 68 Absinth 750ML

    Pernod 68 Absinth 750ML is a premium spirit known for its signature blend of botanicals, creating a unique anise flavor with hints of herbs and spices. This absinthe originates from France, where it is crafted using traditional methods to ensure a rich and authentic taste.

    For the best experience, serve Pernod 68 Absinth 750ML chilled over ice or mix it with water to release its full flavor profile. This spirit can also be used in classic cocktails like the Absinthe Frappé or enjoyed in a traditional French-style preparation with a sugar cube and cold water.


  • Pomela Pomelo Vodka 750ML

    Pomela Pomelo Vodka 750ML

    Introducing Pomela Pomelo Vodka 750ML, a refreshing spirit with a unique flavor profile of citrusy pomelo. Made from high-quality ingredients, this vodka hails from a renowned distillery in the United States.

    To fully experience the vibrant flavors of Pomela Pomelo Vodka, it is best enjoyed chilled or in cocktails. Mix it with soda water and a splash of grapefruit juice for a zesty drink, or use it as a base for citrus-infused cocktails like a Pomelo Martini. Perfect for adding a refreshing twist to your favorite cocktail recipes.



  • Fireball Dragon Reserve 750ML

    Fireball Dragon Reserve 750ML

    Fireball Dragon Reserve 750ML is a premium spirit known for its intense cinnamon flavor with hints of fire. This unique blend is crafted in the fiery regions of North America, delivering a smooth and bold taste that is sure to captivate the senses.

    Enjoy Fireball Dragon Reserve 750ML neat as a sipping spirit or mix it with your favorite cocktails for an added kick. Whether you're savoring it on the rocks or spicing up your favorite drink recipes, this spirit is perfect for any occasion.


  • Codigo 1530 Reposado 750ML

    Codigo 1530 Reposado 750ML

    Codigo 1530 Reposado 750ML is a premium tequila with a smooth and rich flavor profile. This reposado tequila is aged in Napa Cabernet French White Oak wine barrels, giving it a unique taste that combines the traditional agave notes with hints of vanilla and spice. This tequila is produced in the Los Bajos region of Mexico, known for its high-quality agave plants and traditional tequila-making techniques.

    To fully enjoy Codigo 1530 Reposado, we recommend sipping it neat or on the rocks to fully appreciate its complex flavors. It also makes a delicious base for tequila cocktails like margaritas or palomas. However you choose to enjoy it, this reposado tequila is sure to impress with its smooth and flavorful taste.


  • High West Cask Collection 750ML

    High West Cask Collection 750ML

    The High West Cask Collection 750ML is a premium spirits offering made from carefully selected ingredients. This unique blend boasts a rich and complex flavor profile, with hints of oak and caramel. Crafted in the renowned High West Distillery, located in the heart of Utah, this spirit is sure to delight the most discerning palates.

    To fully enjoy the High West Cask Collection, we recommend serving it neat or on the rocks in a chilled glass. This spirit also makes an excellent addition to classic cocktails like Old Fashioneds or Manhattans. Savor the smooth and balanced taste of this exceptional blend with each sip.


  • Dirty Sue Olive Juice 750ML

    Dirty Sue Olive Juice 750ML

    Dirty Sue Olive Juice 750ML is a premium olive juice perfect for cocktails, especially in dirty martinis. Made from top-quality olives, this product boasts a rich, briny flavor profile that enhances the taste of your favorite spirits. Imported from the finest olive-growing regions, this olive juice is a must-have for any home bar.

    To use Dirty Sue Olive Juice, simply add a splash to your favorite cocktail to bring out the savory notes of the olives. For the perfect dirty martini, mix 2 1/2 ounces of gin or vodka with 1/2 ounce of vermouth and a splash of Dirty Sue Olive Juice. Shake or stir well, then strain into a chilled martini glass and garnish with a couple of olives. Enjoy!


  • Los Siete Misterios Doba Yej Mezcal 750ML

    Los Siete Misterios Doba Yej Mezcal 750ML

    Los Siete Misterios Doba Yej Mezcal 750ML is a premium mezcal crafted in the region of Oaxaca, Mexico. This mezcal offers a unique flavor profile with hints of earthy agave, smoky notes, and a touch of citrus.

    To fully enjoy the complex flavors of Los Siete Misterios Doba Yej Mezcal, it is best served neat at room temperature in a traditional mezcal glass. Pair it with sliced oranges sprinkled with chili salt for a delightful experience.
