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Irresistable Provence Rose 750ML

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Irresistible Provence Rose 750ML is a delightful wine from the Provence region, known for its light and refreshing flavors. This rose wine offers crisp notes of strawberries, citrus, and florals, making it the perfect choice for a hot summer day or any occasion.

This versatile wine pairs well with a variety of dishes, including grilled seafood, salads, and light pasta dishes. It also complements charcuterie boards and fresh fruit, making it a great choice for a picnic or outdoor gathering.

Product Details

SubregionCôtes De Provence
Size750 ml
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    Lavendette Provence Rose 750ML

    Introducing Lavendette Provence Rose 2022, a delightful wine from the Provence region of France. This 750ML bottle boasts a crisp and refreshing flavor profile with notes of lavender and roses, perfect for enjoying on a warm summer day.

    This Provencal Rose pairs beautifully with a variety of dishes, including grilled seafood, salads, and light cheeses. It is also a fantastic accompaniment to fresh fruit or as a standalone aperitif. Stock up on this versatile wine for your next gathering or to enjoy during a relaxing evening at home.


  • Ch Minuty Rose 2019 750ML

    Ch Minuty Rose 2019 750ML

    Experience the exquisite taste of Ch Minuty Rose 2019 750ML, a delightful wine from the region of Provence. This wine boasts a refreshing flavor profile with notes of bright red fruits and a crisp finish.

    This elegant rose pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes including salads, seafood, and light pasta dishes. Enjoy a glass of Ch Minuty Rose 2019 750ML with grilled shrimp, a summer salad, or a caprese sandwich for a delicious dining experience.


  • Bargemone Rose 2022 750ML

    Bargemone Rose 2022 750ML

    Bargemone Rose 2022 750ML is a delightful wine with a refreshing taste of red berries, citrus fruits, and floral notes. This wine hails from the renowned region of Provence, known for producing some of the finest rosés in the world.

    Pair this elegant Bargemone Rose with light and fresh dishes such as salads, seafood, grilled vegetables, or charcuterie. It also pairs excellently with spicy Asian cuisine or as a refreshing sip on its own during a warm summer day.


  • Ultimate Provence Rose 750ML

    Ultimate Provence Rose 750ML

    Ultimate Provence Rose 750ML is a delightful wine with a fresh and fruity flavor profile. Made in the picturesque region of Provence, France, this rosé features notes of red berries, citrus, and a hint of floral aromas.

    This wine pairs perfectly with light appetizers, salads, seafood dishes, and grilled vegetables. It is also a great complement to summer picnics and outdoor gatherings. Enjoy a glass of Ultimate Provence Rose 750ML with a variety of dishes for a refreshing and enjoyable experience.


  • Triennes Rose 2022 750ML

    Triennes Rose 2022 750ML

    Triennes Rose 2022 is a delightful wine from the region of Provence, France. This elegant rose boasts a fresh and fruity flavor profile with notes of strawberries, raspberries, and citrus fruits.

    Pair this lovely wine with a variety of dishes such as grilled seafood, salads, light pastas, or enjoy on its own as a refreshing aperitif. Triennes Rose 2022 is the perfect companion for any meal or occasion.
